Monday, August 27, 2012

Why so long between posts?

It is clearly a reality that I've simply kept on putting it off ....... not happy with some idea I've had for a post and then the urgency has just faded away. Obviously, I am not the best blogger. Unexpected weeks in Kathmandu during May because of strike action in the Terai due to the politics of Nepal's constitution, busy weeks in June getting to know the staff of our new schools, rainy season holiday in July so no school and for me a fabulous time (though short) visiting home, back here in August and into it, head down, to see what can be achieved in the next few months.

Pacific Guest House (PGH). The VSO volunteer home away from home - our destination on arrival in Kathmandu and where 'out of towners' find themselves on stays in the capital. I've spent many nights here.

Great snacks, about 100 metres from PGH.

About 100 metres in the other direction from PGH, they do not seem to have a happy life really.

One afternoon in May, VSO volunteers diverting ourselves with low cost material projects at PGH.